Welcome to your Financial Edge NXT Project Prep Page!
“Customer quote”
—Customer credentials
Your Customer Success team has developed a best practice checklist to ensure your team is able to focus on getting your solution up and running. Please work through the action items below to prepare for your project.
1. Create a Blackbaud ID
Each Financial Edge NXT user will need a Blackbaud ID (BBID) to access Blackbaud.com, Financial Edge NXT, Blackbaud University, and Customer Support. Your initial organization administrator will receive an email invitation prompting them to accept their BBID. They can then invite other admins or invite other users.
2. Sign up for Training
Blackbaud University’s mission is to accelerate the success of your organization. You should begin taking the recommended Implementation trainings right away to begin building your skillset in your new solution. These trainings will give you a better understanding of you solution and how to design the system and are critical to your overall success.
Financial Edge NXT Implementation Learning Paths:
3. Complete the Pre-Consultation Survey
This survey serves as a tool for your Financial Edge NXT Project. It is designed to assist you in making important organizational decisions. When paired with the recommended training from Blackbaud University and a design session with your Business Consultant, you will have a great foundation for your implementation. Download the survey here.
4. Gather Financial Documents & Reports
Along with the Pre-Consultation Survey, your Business Consultant will also want to review copies of the following:
- Current chart of accounts
- Financial reports you currently require (Income Statement and Balance Sheet)
- Last completed external audit report
Steps to securely upload these documents and the Pre-Consultation Survey are on the last page of the survey.
5. Review Import Templates
You should also review the Import Templates Master Set. This template includes all the data that will be collected and imported into Financial Edge NXT. Your team can begin filling this out prior to your kickoff meeting, especially the AP Vendors (as appliable) in this file: Download the Import Templates Master Set
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