Blackbaud Raiser's Edge with Customer Sucess

Getting Started: Accessing Your Account

Welcome to your guide for accessing your Raiser's Edge NXT account! To gain access to your new account, you'll have to complete the two stage sign-up process below:  

Accessing Account Support 

Issues with Stage 1? Issues with Stage 1? If you haven’t received an invitation email and have already checked your junk/spam folder or have any issues with your Blackbaud ID, please click here to see the FAQ or/and chat with support. Hours of operation are 9am-5pm UK Time

Issues with Stage 2? If you have completed Stage 1, haven’t received the invitation email and have already checked your junk/spam folder then please click here for the article to help you get in contact with support.  You must have a Blackbaud ID as per Stage 1 to log into the support page.

Stage 1 - Create your Blackbaud ID and link it to your Organisation

  1. This invitation will be emailed to you from [email protected] - ensure to check your junk/spam mail folder if you cannot find this in your Inbox.
  2. Confirm your invitation, create your Blackbaud ID and invite other users. Note: You must confirm your Blackbaud account through this link to ensure that it is linked to your organisation so you are able to sign-up to training without incurring an additional charge. Full details on how to add and invite users here
  3. Start completing your On-Demand training. Please see Training Guidelines for details on what to complete. The training will need to be done before the date of your first consultancy which you will agree with your Professional Service Project Manager in the upcoming planning stage.

Stage 2 - Accessing your Raiser's Edge NXT sandbox database

  1. An invitation titled “You have been invited to Blackbaud!” will be emailed to you from [email protected] - ensure to check your junk/spam mail folder if you cannot find this in your Inbox. 
  2. Accept the invitation ensuring you do so as “supervisor”